A psychophysics experiment investigating effect of visual attention on human motion perception.
You will be required to pay attention to presented visual stimuli on a computer screen and respond by pressing buttons on a gamepad.
Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 7, 37077, DPZ Göttingen.
starting 05.02.2024, flexible all days
2 hours in total (~ 1 hour per day for a session x 2 days)
You will earn a total of 16€!
Who can participate?
Age: 18-40
Normal or corrected-to-normal vision, no glasses or contact lenses
No known neurological or psychiatric conditions (epilepsy, Migraine, etc).
Able to attend two different sessions on two different days
Dein Beschäftigungsumfang
Nach Vereinbarung
Dein Gehalt
8 € / Stunde
Dein Arbeitsplatz:
vor Ort
Dein Büro:
Raum Göttingen